Cartagena, the walled city

JCruzasaurus, musingsarchitecturelove

Beyond the Boundaries: A Cartagena Adventure

Attending the wedding of a close friend, Lars, in Cartagena was an honor this weekend. His ceremony with his beautiful bride was nothing short of enchanting. The journey to this momentous occasion began with a challenging ordeal at customs – a three-hour wait reminiscent of queuing for The Hulk ride at Islands of Adventure. However, instead of the anticipation of a thrilling ride, the line was filled with insistent cab drivers and engulfed in oppressive humidity.

With no preconceived notions of the local ambiance, I was open to absorbing all that Cartagena had to offer. Familiar with the vibrancy of South America, I eagerly anticipated the experience. Sharing a cab with my friend Alabanzz, the first thing that captivated me was the city's spontaneous charm. The traffic, more a fluid dance of 'suggestions' than rigid laws, was an expected sight. However, the city's architecture was a delightful revelation, reminiscent of the eclectic urban mosaic of Hialeah, where tire shops and daycare centers coexist next to residential homes – a whimsical nod to a seemingly carefree zoning commission.

To be continued

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